Kesihatan tidak bergantung hanya pada ubat, medicine, sebaliknya herba menjadi pilihan alternatif.
Ubat, medicine, herbs
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Gout - Vitamin C
(Canada ‧ Toronto), Canadian researchers report pointed out that many vitamin supplements Man C, can reduce the risk of suffering from gout. Read More
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Are You Young and Slim or Suffering From Anorexia?
Author: by Dr Shalini Kapoor Kad, Feb 26, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
It’s Worth Your Salt?
Read More
Deadly Puffer Fish Meal | Ikan Buntal
Saturday June 21, 2008
Two people have died after eating the poisonous puffer fish or ikan buntal, believed to be the first such reported cases in the country.
State Health department director Dr Mohd Khairi Yakub said a 54-year-old woman from Kota Tinggi and another 83-year-old woman from Kulai died from eating the fish on May 7 and June 4 respectively.
He added that 34 others from various places in the state, including here, Batu Pahat and Pontian, suffered food poisoning from eating the fish, between May 6 and June 10. Read More
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Does the Slimming Pill Hold the Answer to Weight Loss
Every scientist, doctor, dietician and fitness trainer will tell you that taking diet pills is downright dangerous, but is it? And if it is, then how dangerous is it?
Well, according to scientists, some diet pills can cause panic attacks, strokes and even fatal heart attacks. Some of these "drugs", better known as phentermine are closely related to mphetamines, so they work as an appetite suppressant, stimulating the release of brain chemicals, which in turn reduces the sensations of hunger. Read More
Article Source:
Author: Mary Watson
Friday, February 20, 2009
Lose Weight Naturally With These Weight Loss Tips
By: Alan Walraven
When you think about a natural weight loss program I automatically think about my skeptical mind wondering if it is really going to work. I naturally want to lose weight fast but is a natural weight loss program the answer?
Natural weight loss is all about making healthy choices, so yes it will take longer, but I feel empowered knowing that I am going to be making some healthy choices in my life that are going to result in a more healthy person. So what should we be looking for in a natural weight loss program?
There are several all natural weight loss tips to take into consideration and it all begins with the beginning of your day.
It is vital that you eat breakfast to give you the needed energy for the day and to prevent upsetting your metabolism. By skipping a meal, your metabolism will slow down to help you conserve energy and thus gain weight.
The main core of any natural weight loss program should be around boosting your metabolism. What things can we do to boost our metabolism and improve how our bodies get rid of fat?
The first start to boost your metabolism is to increase meal consumption to 4-5 small meals a day. By adding smaller meals and adding metabolism boosting foods you put your body into a fat burning mode. There are certain foods that will boost your metabolism more than others. Some of these foods include oatmeal, grapefruit, apples, pears, green tea, strawberries, ginger and cinnamon.
The next thing to do when implementing a natural weight loss program is to increase the amount of water that you are drinking. Water acts as a detoxifier and if you can consume around 2-3 liters a day, you will be amazed at how quickly your weight starts to normalize. First off, it will help carry nutrients into the bloodstream and clean your system out. Secondly, it will fill you up making you less apt to snack in between and after meals. Lastly, it will keep you hydrated during the many workouts you will need.
That leads to the last weight loss tip on the schedule, exercise. Exercise is one of the most beneficial and effective natural weight loss methods you will find. Exercise will help you burn those fats and turn them into muscle. Any kind of exercise is effective as long as you push yourself and stay consistent.
Losing weight is about adopting a healthy lifestyle. Exercising, eating fresh foods more frequently and in less quantity and drinking more water will be a great start to improving your healthy developing a great natural weight loss plan.
Author Resource:-> Discover natural weight loss tips and put your body into a weight lossmachine.
Article From Ezine-Articles
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Dikatakan berperanan menguncupkan rahim (untuk wanita selepas bersalin). mencegah sakit dan sengal tulang, demam, batuk serta sakit kerongkong.
Dikatakan dapat membantu mencegah penyakit kencing manis, membersihkan buah pinggang, memperbaiki pembuangan air kecil an memperkuatkan tulang.
Membantu menguncupkan rahim, awet muda, memperbaiki peredaran darah, pertumbuhan rambut, memperkuatkan gigi dan untuk kecerdasan otak.
Membantu mencegah penyakit kencing manis, tekanan darah tinggi, kembung, membersih darah dan usus.
Pucuk Betik
Membantu penghadaman.
Pucuk Gajus
Membentu membersihkan darah.
Pucuk Mengkudu
Mambantu mencegah sakit kepala, buasir, kembung dan menguncupkan rahim.
Pucuk Putat
Mambantu mencegah pening dan darah tinggi, membersihkan darah dan menguncupkan rahim.
Pucuk Raja
Membersihklan darah dan memperkuatkan tulang.
Sumber: Utusan Malaysia - Rabu 4 Februari 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Tanaman Obat Kumis Kucing
Kumis Kucing
(Orthosiphon aristatus (B1) Miq.)
Sinonim :
- O. longiflorum, Ham.
- O. grandiflorum et aristatum, Bl.
- O. spiralis, Merr.
- O. stamineus, Benth.
- O. grandiflorus, Bold.
- Clerodendranthus spicatus (Thunb.)
- C.Y. Wu. Trichostemma spiralis, Lour.
Familia : Labiatae
Terna, tumbuh tegak, pada bagian bawah berakar di bagian buku-bukunya, tinggi 1-2 m, batang segi empat agak beralur, berbulu pendek atau gundul. Daun tunggal, bundar telur lonjong, lanset atau belah ketupat, berbulu halus, pinggir bergerigi kasar tak teratur, kedua permukaan berbintik-bintik karena ada kelenjar minyak atsiri. Bunga berupa tandan yang keluar di ujung cabang, wama ungu pucat atau putih (ada yang warna biru dan putih), benang sari lebih panjang dari tabung bunga. Buah geluk wama coklat gelap. Tumbuh di dataran rendah dan daerah ketinggian sedang.
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